Kelly has kindly agreed to join us and answer five quick questions.
What's one thing we may not know about Kelly Curtis?
I homeschooled my kids for one year, while we transitioned from one school district to another.
What television show would you like to make a guest appearance on?
Hannah Montana. My kids would flip!
What's your greatest sporting moment?
I showed horses as a kid, and I'll never forget winning English Pleasure at the International POA show, on a three-year-old gelding. We were both underdogs.
What's your ideal holiday destination?
That depends upon which holiday! In the winter we love anything on the west coast of Florida. But in the summer, there's no better place than our lake cabin in northern Wisconsin.
How many comments to this blog post would I need to have you read and comment on my first thriller, The Interrogator?
Hahaha! None! I'd love to read it! Umm, I mean I'd need to see a minimum of 15 comments for that (Thurston Howell III accent.)
Thanks Kelly. Please check Kelly's website for details of her writing and her blog, which features a series on becomming a writer.
Sounds like you have led a happy and contented life. Showing horses must have been amazing, however homeschooling your children. You must be commended for this!!! How completely brave of you. Not only for having the patience to teach them but feeling incapable of giving them the best intellectual start in life.
Leanne Cooper
* I meant capable.....obviously not incapable........
My daughters would flip about Hannah Montana too.
Your book sounds interesting -- I'll have to check it out.
I'd love to hear more of your horse competition story.
I agree, I think your books sounds really interesting.
I would love to be on Hannah Montana too. My kids love that show. I also homeschooled all of my kids for one year. Sounds like Kelly and I have a bit in common.
Yea I think that would be really sick if your kids saw you on their show... don't even tell them you are doing it, just surprise them.
I am quite familiar with Kelly's work, especially with her blog. The book you mention must be awesome - I read the free samples on her site and can hardly wait for the release.
The interview doesn't reveal any surprising traits, but it's great to see her work acknowledged this way. In a web overcrowded with irrelevant information, Kelly is certainly a breath of fresh air.
Nice interview.
Well, well, well, looks like I'll be the 10th comment to help out... lol
But I was hoping the interview would be a little longer :-)
hannah montana? really? i'd have to say having a guest spot on that show would be very fun indeed!
Whoohoo....my kids would just be in heaven if I was on Hannah Montana too. Maybe we could go on together, ;)
I'm looking forward to your book
How much do I love that some of your questions I KNEW the answers to and some of them surprised me (hello...HANNAH MONTANA? I think it would be my SONS who would flip out!).
Thrilled for you, Kelly, and I hope your book exceeds even your expectations in sales!!!
Two questions:
1. What is your best tip for someone interested in starting homeschooling (kindegarten aged child)?
2. Is it possible to do half year home school and half the year public school?
Thanks! And Congrats!
Several of my friends are homeschool their kids. Question? Is this some sort of new phenom?
You got 15 comments, so time to start reading!
thanks for the interview!
This was such fun! Thanks for the interview, JJ! I'd love to start reading!
And for the questions asked in comments, here are answers:
K. Stone - I hosted a Homeschool Tips project last year that would be a great start. And homeschooling half a year can cause of challenges socially (coming into a classroom where friends are already established), but if done for the right reasons, I think those social concerns can be managed.
Sopraize - I had no idea how many homeschoolers there were until I became one myself. I also did not know how well they do it. I think it's becoming more and more common for families to make this choice.
Thanks Kelly. It's been a pleasure hosting the interview.
You know, I don't even have a clue who - or what - Hannah Montana is. Perhaps I've been living in Outer Darkness for just a tad too long?
Hehehe - Laurie, don't feel bad. That just means you don't watch the Disney channel. Or you don't have an 11-year-old daughter;)
really interesting stories
book sounds awesome.
Both of these books sound interesting!
very good blog and very good article, always good to a bit of information back to visit you sure
very good blog and very interesting article to me was a great help thanks for everything certainly back to visit you greetings
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